Co-operative Home Ownership Sector

The Co-operative Sector has always been a leader helping Canadians deal with pressing social issues. In the 1970’s and 1980’s we created the Co-operative Rental Sector, applying our principals to significant success. Today we are once again taking the lead by creating the Co-operative Homeownership Sector, ramping up capacity to build thousands of homes that will be OWNED, not rented, to address the housing crisis without the need of grants or subsidies.
What is the Co-op Home Ownership Sector?
The status quo makes the stated government housing targets completely unachievable. We need to recognize that there is no “One Solution” to the housing crisis, and that an all hands on deck approach, is indeed, needed.
Let’s look back to what worked in the 1980’s - an accountable and innovative Non-profit/Co-operative Housing Delivery sector, that aligned the interests of the financial and private construction sectors, with social outcomes.
The financialization of real estate has brought us to this untenable housing situation.
The Co-operative Homeownership Sector has developed an innovative solution that uses unmet demand, to control risk and satisfy desired stakeholder needs for Affordable Housing production.
Who is the Co-op Home Ownership Sector?
The Cooperative Home Ownership Sector is composed of a variety of dedeciated organizations that are directly or indirectly supporting the development of affordale home ownership opportunities in Ontario.
Co-op Home Ownership Sector Partners
